As for recipe I collected 4 gallons of wort boiled with some Perle hops. Post boil I had 3 gallons of wort at 1.030 OG that fermented with White Labs 500 (a strain cultivated from Chimay). With little work to do the yeast settled out enough to bottle after 5 days. Final Gravity was 1.006. 3.1% ABV.
The resulting beer is similar to a watery Chimay Cinq Cents. The hops and yeast prickle the tongue with spiciness. There is also a touch of infection that has not increased in the three months since bottling.
Overall not a bad effort. Since most of my home brew is high gravity rocket fuel it is nice to have something light to reach for when I don't want to get knocked on my ass.
(PS. Can you name that coaster?)
Respect for the table beer! What does the bit of infection taste like? If it's just a bit of sourness, it could add to the refreshment value if you were lucky. In the old days the saison brewers would blend soured beer with young to make a more refreshing drink. Also to be frugal, I guess.
Is the coaster Mort Subite? It also looks like another fruity Belgian series whose name escapes me now, maybe Grisette.
Joe, the infection was a bit sour but not good sour. Mort Subite is correct. I often swipe a few coasters from interesting bars.
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